Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Newest Sport: Bear Baiting

In Pakistan, the newest sport is Bear Baiting. Bear Bating can be linked back to the medieval era, where entertainment was hard to come across. It is a bloody, gruesome sport where bears are taken from their natural habitat and forced to fight aggressive, purposely starved dogs. These bears are not able to protect themselves as they are tied so tightly to polls and their claws and teeth are removed. Some bears are even blindfolded, so that they have no idea what is going on. After a fight these bears are very weak and near death. However, until the bear is announced dead, it will be forced to fight another set of hungry dogs. Not only is this sport unusually cruel to bears; it is also abusive to the dogs. Countless of dogs are starved over an amount of days so that they become aggressive and violent. They are then forced to fight and kill a fellow animal, while being cheered on by the crowds. Watch the video from Goggle to learn more.

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